We give you peace-of-mind that your payroll is dealt with accurately.
Administer & Plan
Experience cost-effective and predictable expenditures.
Our payroll administration services afford you simplicity of use, dependability and flexibility. Regardless of whether your company is a SME or even a multinational enterprise, we meet the needs of your unique organisation as well as legislative demands, assigning you our value added support.
Administer and plan more effectively for payroll fees and various other costs. Our accounting services are performed by professional payroll specialists who infuse an area of expertise into each project.
Payroll Outsourcing Payroll Administration
Benefit From Payroll Outsourcing
Zero inhouse payroll costs: – Payroll Software program and license fees – Financial institution fees for net pay or third party transfers – Pay slips stationary – Salary or desk expenses of payroll staff
Peace-of-mind that your payroll is going to be dealt with accurately
Access to tax/payroll specialists
A primary point of contact for all your payroll related inquiries
Payroll Administration Service Includes:
Processing of the payroll on a weekly, fortnightly and/or monthly schedule
Compiling of personnel/staff pay slips monthly, directly via Payroll Software packages
Providing salary advices to employees
Electronic payment of net earnings to individual staff/employees
Registrations and submitting of PAYE, UIF & Workman’s Compensation reports
Presenting data compilations of salary/earnings, deductions and leave summaries
Calculated estimations of payment amounts due for SDL, UIF and PAYE
Submitting of regular monthly EMP201’s to SARS by means of e-Filing
Submitting of bi-annual EMP501 reconciliations directly via SARS Easyfile